Do you wear your seat belt as soon as you get in the car? Do your children have the right safety seats for their age, height and weight? If you have answered no even once, you need to read on...

Seat Belt Safety: Buckle Up Correctly
Adjusting your seat belt properly is a must: Getting the right fit is as important as wearing it. The strap that goes across your lap should fit snugly over your hips and upper thigh area. If the belt rides up on the stomach, it could cause serious injuries in a crash.
Shoulder strap should rest securely across your chest and shoulders between your breasts. Do not let the strap fall across your neck or face and never place the strap under your arms or behind your back. Any one of these positions can cause serious injury.

Seat Belt Safety: 5way Protection

Seat Belt Safety: Rules for Infants and Children
Children need specialized protection in a moving vehicle, their age, height, and weight determine the safest way for a child to travel. The following is a guide on how to select the right option for your child: